Our Horses

Our horses live in as natural an environment as possible. They are always outside, mostly on the pasture, always with forage available and they live in groups.

Buddy - 2013 Mule

Buddy is our mule and he is quite a character! He has incredibly smooth paces and enjoys dressage and trail riding. Strong yet sensitive, playful and wickedly intelligent, Buddy keeps us on our toes and life is never dull with him around.

Camelot - 2007 Cruzado

Camelot is playful, clever and a real jack of all trades; groundwork, arena and trails are all within his capabilities, plus he has some dressage training for the more experienced riders to try.

Fae - 2018 Cruzado

Fae was rescued as a nine months old by our friends from Algarve Horse Alarm and somehow by the time she was five, she was still unstarted and noone wanted her anymore. Lysette put her through her usual training program and now she has become a wonderful ride. She's not only possibly our most beautiful horse, but also a pleasure to ride out on the trails.

Grace - 2013 Quarter

While many horses take to ridden life easily, a few simply aren't cut out for it and Grace is one of them. However, a non ridden horse can still have a fulfilling life and a role to play. Grace knows her way around a roundpen and obstacle course, making her an ideal teacher for our groundwork lessons.

Hope - 2015 Quarter

Happy go lucky Hope is a sweetheart. Friends with the whole world, the whole world is friends with Hope and she is cheerful and optimistic. She is forward and responsive to ride and her favourite activity is jumping, but her forgiving character means she is also happy to give beginners lessons.

Milhão - 2016 Cruzado

Milhão came to the ranch in summer 2022 with minimal handling. Despite this, his calm and matter of fact demeanour meant that he took to ridden life quickly and has amassed numerous fans already! He is learning on the job and is a particularly competent on the trail.

Oriole - 2016 LusoArab

The Chris Hemsworth of horses, Oriole is by far our most beautiful equine! Not just a pretty face, he is forward going yet sensible and always tries his best. As he is still young, he is sensitive and can be nervous with new situations but gains confidence once he has the idea.

Ramses - 2006 Oldenburg

Our biggest horse Ramses is around 170cm and has a big heart to match! With a hunting background, he has taken well to his steadier life as a western school horse and has big but smooth gaits. He enjoys trail riding and obstacle courses and is just a nice character to be around.

Spring - 2011 Quarter

Spring is our shortest mare- don't let her small stature fool you though, as she is our lead mare and holds her own! Tough and confident, Spring knows a few reining moves and will pop a small jump but definitely prefers life in the slow lane. Leave the details to her, sit back and enjoy the scenery!

Stan - 2014 Cruzado

Stan was subject to cruel training techniques at the very beginning of his ridden life. A sweetheart on the ground, his trauma surrounding being ridden remained and so we decided that he would join Grace as a groundwork only teacher. Kind and engaging, few guests leave without having fallen for Stans charms.

Tali - 2011 Mustang

Tali was born in the wild of Nevada and rounded up as a youngster. Noone adopted her at first, because to be honest, she's not spectacular to look at. But she's spectacular in every other sense. Superbly trained as a Western riding horse and with a character of gold, she's quickly become everyone's favorite!

Titus - 2015 Cruzado

Easy going yet enthusiastic, Titus is a big favourite on the ranch. He will go steady for a beginner but will willingly take it up a notch for an experienced rider. He takes everything in his stride and has a very comfortable canter. He likes dressage, swimming, jumping, trail riding- everything really!